4 Reasons to Visit an Invisalign Orthodontist

Invisalign Orthodontist Stockton, CA

Considering Invisalign treatment? Orthodontists are the go-to dentists for straightening crooked teeth. They can help improve your smile and oral health through the use of clear aligners known as Invisalign.

In this article, we discuss a few good reasons to visit an Invisalign orthodontist. This information can be especially helpful to someone who isn’t sure whether or not Invisalign is the right orthodontic treatment for them.

Four reasons to visit an Invisalign orthodontist

Below, we outline four reasons that may help convince you to see an orthodontist who specializes in straightening teeth through Invisalign

1. They are experienced

Invisalign orthodontists have the most experience when it comes to this type of treatment. They are trained to straighten the teeth and correct uneven bites, which is exactly what Invisalign does.

When people consider teeth straightening, they are likely to be referred to an orthodontist by their general dentist because orthodontists have more experience in straightening teeth. General dentists have a variety of experience but an Invisalign orthodontist makes their entire career about teeth straightening through clear aligners, which is a great reason to visit them.

2. Invisalign is their focus

All orthodontists are trained in the different orthodontic methods of treatment, but an Invisalign orthodontist focuses solely on Invisalign treatment. Having a specialist administer and oversee Invisalign treatment may produce better results for the patient.

An Invisalign orthodontist may have additional training with clear aligners, as opposed to an orthodontist who focuses more on traditional metal braces. They will also provide a more Invisalign-focused environment.

3. Easier treatment process

When a patient visits their general dentist for orthodontic treatment, they are likely going to have more difficulty with the actual treatment process. General dentists treat patients of all ages, which means there will be all sorts of different appointment needs at the practice. This could make the availability for adjustment appointments more limited.

Seeing an Invisalign orthodontist for teeth straightening treatment may be beneficial because they only focus on patients with Invisalign. It may be easier for the patient to get in for adjustments more regularly so that progress can be closely monitored.

4. Accuracy

Because Invisalign orthodontists only focus on this treatment, they will be able to provide the most accurate treatment process. Accuracy is important for orthodontic treatment so that the end result is straight teeth, an even bite and an improved smile. Having an Invisalign orthodontist provide treatment will ensure accuracy.

The Invisalign dentist will be able to provide a more accurate timeline for treatment, as well as a realistic plan for how often adjustments are needed. It's better to go with a proven Invisalign specialist because accuracy is key when it comes to straightening teeth.

Get started today!

Is Invisalign something that you’re considering? Our orthodontists who specialize in the treatment can help you. We are readily available to answer any questions that you may have! Give us a call or stop by our office today.

Request an appointment here: https://www.brooksideorthodontics.com or call Brookside Orthodontics at (209) 732-1124 for an appointment in our Stockton office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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