Treatments Offered In Our Orthodontics Offices

OrthodonticsUpon visiting our orthodontics office, we can provide you and your children with a variety of treatments to improve a smile, the position of the teeth, and the jaw. During a consultation, we will conduct an examination and take X-rays prior to discussing the solutions to correct any issues.

Here are some of the orthodontic treatments we offer:

Traditional metal braces

Metal braces are still the most effective way to straighten children's teeth. Metal braces are time-tested, incredibly durable and important when dealing with children. Metal braces are smaller, more discreet, and more comfortable than braces in the past. We can guarantee that wearing braces will be far more pleasant for a child today than it was for children in the past.

Ceramic braces

Adults can benefit from a discreet way to straighten teeth. Ceramic braces use similar technology to traditional metal ones but blend in with surrounding teeth. The brackets are tooth-colored, as are the wires and rubber bands that we use. As long as patients keep brushing their teeth, the ceramic braces should remain free from stains during the straightening process. We do not recommend this option for children because it is harder for them to keep their ceramic braces free from stains or damage.

Clear aligners

In our orthodontics offices, we offer clear aligners as a way for busy adults to straighten teeth. Clear aligners are a fantastic option because they are highly convenient. Clear aligners surround teeth completely while looking like a clear retainer. Patients only need to wear the aligners for about 20 to 22 hours per day and take them out to eat and brush teeth. This allows for complete flexibility at meal time. Clear aligners make it possible to bite into a juicy steak, eat a crunchy salad or enjoy a hamburger without fear of damaging braces or trapping food between brackets.

Additionally, since one removes the clear aligners to brush his or her teeth, it does not take any longer to complete the oral health routine on a daily basis. Most patients enjoy that when straightening teeth with aligners, it is nearly impossible for anyone to tell that an orthodontics treatment is being performed. They are virtually invisible, yet still effective.


After wearing orthodontics, retention is a frequent step in the process. A patient will normally wear a retainer for at least a year after braces come off to ensure that the teeth remain in their freshly-straightened position. Otherwise, they are likely to regress and move back toward their original places. Some people require retainers for the rest of their life, while others only need the retainer for a year or so. There are several types of retainers to choose from and we can discuss these options in detail during a consultation with our orthodontics office.

Oral surgery

In some scenarios, oral surgery is necessary to remove teeth or to make adjustments to the jaw. We can address this during a consultation and let you know if it is a possibility.

Schedule an exam

Find out if you need braces or other forms of orthodontics by scheduling an examination with Brookside Orthodontics.

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